Cinnaire Team Profile
The Team Profile provides specific, useful feedback to the person about how others view their style and effectiveness as a team member. For those being profiled, it is a vehicle for self-discovery and an opportunity for personal and professional development. For you, it is a chance to help both your colleague and your organization. Your candid insights create a foundation for individual and organizational growth.
This form is designed to gather information about the person’s specific, observable behavior. Please answer the questions as objectively as possible, without regard to your personal feelings. We are interested in what this person actually says and does in their role as a producer and a team-player. Your responses to the following questions will be compiled with others to create a comprehensive profile of how people view the person’s overall performance.
Your input is confidential. We are not interested in your identity, only in your observations. The information you provide is combined with information given by others to create a composite profile. Great care is taken to present your answers in a way that disassociates your identity from your input.